Docu review done: Wed 31 Jul 2024 02:08:08 PM CEST


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$ apt install bind9

bind9 cache

To interact with the cache of bind9/named you will use the binary rndc.

dump cache

To dump the cache, use the parameter dumpdb -cache for rndc

$ rndc dumpdb -cache

This will return no output, but it will create a file with path /var/cache/bind/named_dump.db

This file can be opend with any fileviewer you like hust,vim,hust ;) or of course parsed with grep, sed, …

flush cache

specific record

If you know the record name you can also just flush the cache only for the specific record like this:

$ rndc flushname <recordname>

Or if you want to flush also all records below that name, you can use this:

$ rndc flushtree <recordname>

A sample for the above mentioned comments:

$ rndc flushname
$ rndc flushtree

full cache

To flush the cache of bind, who would expect it coming, just flush it

$ rndc flush

But now you should reload the data ;)

$ rndc reload

If everything is fine, you should see the words server reload successful