Docu review done: Thu 23 Feb 2023 10:20:23 CET

Table of Content

container handling

lxc launch images:archlinux/current/amd64 [test]spawns a new archlinux container named test
lxc profile add [container] [profile]assigns profile to container
lxc listlist containers
lxc start [container]start container
lxc stop [container]stop container
lxc exec [container] -- bashspawn a bash shell inside a container
lxc delete [container]delete the container
lxc snapshot [container] [snapshotname]create a snapshot
lxc snapshot [container] [snapshotname] --statefulcreate a snapshot in a running state (not tested)
lxc restore [container] [snapshotname]restore a snapshot
lxc delete [container]/[snapshotnamedelete a snapshot
lxc info [container]get details about container + see snapshots

moving containers

lxc remote add [hostname]add a remote, you need the password for it to work though
`lxc infogrep fingerprint`
lxc list [remotename]:list remote containers
lxc move [remotename]:[container] [localcontainername]moves a container. renaming possible. Snapshots are also moved. for a live migration “criu” must be installed.
lxc <command> [remotename]:[container]see “container handling” above for possible commands