Docu review done: Fri 26 Jan 2024 04:38:51 PM CET

Table of content

Intern commands

\duShows all users
\du+Shows all users and there descriptions
\dShow tables
\d [tablename]Show colums
\lShow databse
\l+Show databse and the size of the dbs
\xEnables extended display
\watch [ SEC ] 'sql command'Runs command ever seconds - requires that the command got alrady executed
\c [databasename]connectis to DB
\connect [databasename]connectis to DB
\i /path/to/sqlfileexecutes content of sqlfile
\timingshow for each command the execution time

Maintaining objects in psql

CREATE DATABASE [dbname];creates a new DB
CREATE DATABASE [dbname] WITH OWNER=[username];creates a new DB with owner if user is existing
CREATE USER [username] with encrypted password '[userpwd]'create user with pwd
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE [dbname] to [username]grantes all privileges for user on db

Shows db size with select command

$ select pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('databasename'));
  15 MB
  (1 row)

Show connected users for all DBs

pg_user will list you all current configured users with a small permissions overview

with pg_user

$ select * from pg_user;
  usename  | usesysid | usecreatedb | usesuper | userepl | usebypassrls |  passwd  | valuntil | useconfig
 username1 |    11111 | f           | f        | f       | f            | ******** |          |
 username2 |    22222 | f           | f        | f       | f            | ******** |          |
 username3 |    33333 | t           | f        | f       | f            | ******** |          |
 username4 |    44444 | t           | t        | t       | t            | ******** |          |
 username5 |    55555 | f           | f        | f       | f            | ******** |          |
 username6 |    66666 | f           | f        | f       | f            | ******** |          |
(6 rows)

with pg stat activity

gp_stat_activity shows you which user is performing which action right now (or was the last action)

$ \x
$ select * from pg_stat_activity
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+---------------------------------
datid            |
datname          |
pid              | 24624
usesysid         |
usename          |
application_name |
client_addr      |
client_hostname  |
client_port      |
backend_start    | 2020-07-16 21:38:59.563585+02
xact_start       |
query_start      |
state_change     |
wait_event_type  | Activity
wait_event       | AutoVacuumMain
state            |
backend_xid      |
backend_xmin     |
query            |
backend_type     | autovacuum launcher
-[ RECORD 2 ]----+---------------------------------
datid            |
datname          |
pid              | 24626
usesysid         | 10
usename          | postgres
application_name |
client_addr      |
client_hostname  |
client_port      |
backend_start    | 2020-07-16 21:38:59.564255+02
xact_start       |
query_start      |
state_change     |
wait_event_type  | Activity
wait_event       | LogicalLauncherMain
state            |
backend_xid      |
backend_xmin     |
query            |
backend_type     | logical replication launcher
-[ RECORD n ]----+---------------------------------

List blocking queries

To display blocking queries, you can run the following psql command SELECT, activity.usename, activity.query, AS blocking_id, blocking.query AS blocking_query FROM pg_stat_activity AS activity JOIN pg_stat_activity AS blocking ON = ANY(pg_blocking_pids(;

    activity.query, AS blocking_id,
    blocking.query AS blocking_query
FROM pg_stat_activity AS activity
JOIN pg_stat_activity AS blocking ON = ANY(pg_blocking_pids(;

 pid | usename | query | blocking_id | blocking_query
1337 | gustaf  | <...> | 7331        | <...>
(1 rows)

Special cases

user Table

Lets assume some application created a table with the name user like gitea does and you want to query the data from it. If you just run the sql comand select * from user; it will only return you one result:

gitea=$ select * from user;
(1 row)

Of course you konw, that this can not be the real output, because you have other users working in the application without issues. The reason, why you just get one result is, that the table user exists also in postgres as well.

There are two option you can do to prevent the query from asking the wrong table.

  1. Use doublequoats around the table name, like that: "user"
  2. Specify the schema + doublequoats, like that: public."user"

This will give you the real result which will look like that:

gitea=$ select name from "user";
(n rows)

gitea=# select name from public."user";
(n rows)