
Table of Content

File structure

The /etc/shadow file follws the following structure:

2[x]encrypted PWD$y$j9T$s4vwO2I5UHwclf5N6C5rG1$CfftTrFwZ4uqdhChK/P48VfKuIMpMAZb4gVJbhbGAS0
3[x]last PWD change (sec after epoch)1727789676
4[ ]min time to next pwd change (in days)0
5[ ]max time pwd validity (in days)99999
6[ ]warn user about expiering pwd (in days)7
7[ ]days after pwd gets inactive7
8[ ]day (after epoch) after user gets disabled``

Recommended values for:

  • encrypted PWD: Use the stronges possible encrpytion available on your system
  • day (after epoch) after user get disabled: Do not use the value 0 as this can be interpreted as:
    • account will never expire
    • account expiered on the 1970-01-01

Insites for:

  • encrypted PWD: can be either a valide crypted string or * or ! or !!
  • min time to next pwd change: can stay empty or also be 0 to have have no limitation
  • max time pwd validity: if empty there will be no max time, bust most of the time you wil see 99999 for personal user accounts

Some sample lines:


Encrypted PWD markers

At the beginnong of the PWD string, you can identfy which kind of encryption was used

First 3 charactersDescription
$1$Message Digest 5 (MD5)
$5$256-bit Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256)
$6$512-bit Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-512)
$y$ (or $7$)yescrypt