Docu review done: Wed 31 Jul 2024 01:57:40 PM CEST

Aten CS1944DP

Table of content

Port Switching

Cycle to next port

Keyboard cycle

Scroll Lock Scroll Lock EnterBrings KVM, USB hub and audio to the next port
Scroll Lock Scroll Lock k EnterBrings KVM to the next port
Scroll Lock Scroll Lock u EnterBrings USB hub to the next port
Scroll Lock Scroll Lock a EnterBrings audio to the next port

Mouse cycle

reuqires Mouse port Switching to be enabled

Scroll wheel Scroll wheelBrings KVM, USB hub and audio to the next port

Go to specific port

Scroll Lock Scroll Lock [1-4] EnterBrings KVM, USB hub and audio to the port [1-4]
Scroll Lock Scroll Lock [1-4] k EnterBrings KVM to the port [1-4]
Scroll Lock Scroll Lock [1-4] u EnterBrings USB hub to the port [1-4]
Scroll Lock Scroll Lock [1-4] s EnterBrings audio to the port [1-4]

k, u, s can be combined in any possible way

Alternate Port Switching Keys

To use the alternate hot keys for switching Ports perform the following:

  1. Invode HSM
  2. Press and release t or
  3. Invode HSM
  4. Press and release x

After that you use instead of Scroll Lock Ctrl e.g. Ctrl Ctrl 1 Enter to switch all modes to port 1

Auto Scanning

With autoscanning, the KVM iterates over all existing ports without any user interaction

Scroll Lock Scroll Lock a EnterEnables autoscan every 5 seconds from port to port
Scroll Lock Scroll Lock a [1-9]{1,2} EnterEnables autoscan every [1-9]{1,2}** seconds** from port to port

To exit the auto scan mode again, press Esc or Space

USB Reset

If the USB loses focus and needs to be reset, do the following:

  1. Invode HSM
  2. Press and release F5

Hotkey Setting Mode or HSM

hihihih HSM XD To invoke HSM, perform the following:

  1. Press + Hold Num Lock
  2. Press + release -
  3. Release Num Lock

When HSM is active, Caps Lock and scroll Lock LEDs are flashing

To exit HSM, either press ESC or Space

HSM Summary Table

F1Sets the keyboard and mouse to SPC mode (to work with pecial os as a standard 104 keyed keyboard and mose)
F2Enable Mac keyboard emulation
F4Print the current switch config into editor (insert mode needed)
F5Performs a USB keyboard and mouse reset
F6 [0-9]{2,2} EnterSets keyboard languarge (US Eng: 33, Frensch: 08, German: 09, Japanese: 15)
F10Enables Windows keyboard emulation
bToggles beep
eToggles power-on-detection function
hToggles HSM invocation keys
mToggles mouse emulation
nToggles keyboard emulation
r EnterReset hotkey settings do default
tToggles port switching invocation keys
u p g r a d e EnterInokes firmeware upgrade mode
wToggles mouse port switching mode
x EnterToggles port switching invocation keys
Esc or SpaceQuits and exits setting mode
q [1-4] EnterEnable/disable the monitor re-detection
sAlternative manual port selection settings

Alternate HSM Invocation Keys

To use the alternate hot keys for HSM perform the following:

  1. Invode HSM
  2. Press and release h

By performing this, you change the HSM hotkey to the procedue:

  1. Press + Hold Ctrl
  2. Press + release F12
  3. Release Ctrl

List Switch Settings

To see a list of the current switch settings, do the following:

  1. Open a text editor (go into insert mode if needed)
  2. Invode HSM
  3. Press and release F4

Beeper Control

To toggle the beep sound do the following:

  1. Invode HSM
  2. Press and release b

Restore Default Settings

To reset the config to its default Hotkey settings, do the following

  1. Invode HSM
  2. Press and release r
  3. Press and release Enter

Keyboard Emulation Control

To toggle between keyboard emulation enabled and disable, do the following:

  1. Invode HSM
  2. Press and release n

Mouse Emulation Control

To toggle between mouse emulation enabled and disable, do the following:

  1. Invode HSM
  2. Press and release m

Mouse Port Switching

Mouse port switching allows you to use the mouse whle button (clicked twice) to switch ports. For mouse port switching, mouse emulation must be neabled. To enable or disable mouse port switching, do the following:

  1. Invode HSM
  2. Press and release w