Docu review done: Thu 29 Jun 2023 12:36:18 CEST
Table of Content
- Commands
- Network seepd test
- Send a file over TCP port 9899 from host2 (client) to host1 (server)
- Transfer in the other direction, turning Ncat into a “one file” server
- Open socket and react to what was sent
- URLs
Command | Description |
`nc -vnz -w1 [ip] [port | portrange]` |
`nc -vvv -w1 servername/domain [port | portrange]` |
`nc -vlp [port | portrange]` |
nc -vq0 [dest] [port] < [file] | transfers a file to the destination, -q 0 implies that connection is closed emedialty after EOF was sent |
Sample for portrange
This will scann from port 20 till 80 and return you the results for each port
$ nc -vnzw1 20-80
Network seepd test
On destination
$ nc -vvlnp <DESTPORT>
On source
$ dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=1K | nc -vvn <DESTIP> <DESTPORT>
Output will look like this:
$ Connection to <DESTIP> <DESTPORT> port [tcp/*] succeeded!
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 9.11995 s, 118 MB/s
Send a file over TCP port 9899 from host2 (client) to host1 (server)
$ user@HOST1$ ncat -l 9899 > outputfile
$ user@HOST2$ ncat HOST1 9899 < inputfile
Transfer in the other direction, turning Ncat into a “one file” server
$ user@HOST1$ ncat -l 9899 < inputfile
$ user@HOST2$ ncat HOST1 9899 > outputfile
Open socket and react to what was sent
[[ $port -le 65535 ]] || exit 1
function do_stuff() {
#note down connection to know if it is still alive when replying
connection="$(ss -tulapen | grep ${port} | grep ESTAB | grep nc.openbsd | awk '{print $6}' | cut -d ":" -f2)"
#do stuff here
#only reply if the connection tracked at the beginning is still alive
if ss -tulapen | grep 9004 | grep ESTAB | grep -q ${connection}; then
echo "reply"
while true; do
#use openbsd nc because gnu nc in debian -k is not working
coproc nc.openbsd -k -l localhost -p ${port}
while read -r request; do
do_stuff $request;
done <&"${COPROC[0]}" >&"${COPROC[1]}"
kill "$COPROC_PID"