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VLAN Configuration

Recomended setup form Ubiquity Support

To confugre an SSID using a dedecated VLAN and the AP using an Management Network, you need to have the following in place.

  1. Configure the VLAN for the SSID
    1. Open the WLAN network settings (Settings -> Wireless Network -> Edit or Devices -> YourDevice -> Config -> WLAN -> Edit)
    2. On both, you will find a filed wither called VLAN or with VLAN ID
    3. Modify it by inserting the VLAN ID and click on save and push the changes to the device
  2. Your switch needs to be configured like this
    1. The management VLAN needs to be attached as untaged (+PVID)
    2. The needed VLAN for the SSID needs to be attached as taged

If your AP AC PRO is not chaning the VLAN for the SSID, change it again to something different and set it back to the wanted VLAN and publish the changes