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Audrey is the nice girl in your ears ;)


The (After)shokz have the following buttons

  • Vol+
  • Vol-
  • MF1


NameShokz stateKey(s)TimeLEDDescription
Powering onPowered offVol+~3sblueBooting device
Powering offPowered onVol+~3sredShutting down device
Pairing modePowered offVol+Holdred/blue2Boots them in pariring mode
Multi pairingPairing modeMF1 + Vol+~3sEnables pairing with multible devcies (2)
Reset pairingsPairing modeMF1 + Vol+ + Vol-Holdred/blue2Removes pairings stored in local cache
Power statusPowered onVol+~3sProvides current power status
Mute micUnmuted micVol+ + Vol-~3sMutes systsm input, does not work with all devices
Unmutes micMuted micVol+ + Vol-~3sUnmuntes system input, does not work with all devices

MF stands for the multifunction button (all buttons can be found at Buttons


Flashs between these colours


Pairing two devices

To make use of two deviecs you have to go throug the following procedure

The keys to use, can be seen in the Hotkeys table.

If you have noever paired or after reset:
  1. Enter Pairing mode
  2. Enable Multi pairing, Audrey will say “Multipoint Enabled.”
  3. Pair first device. Audrey says “Connected.”
  4. Turn your headphones off
  5. Re-enter pairing mode
  6. Pair the second device. Audrey says “Device Two Connected.”
  7. Turn your headphones off

Already paried with one device:

  1. Enter Pairing mode
  2. Enable Multi pairing, Audrey will say “Multipoint Enabled.”
  3. Pair second device. Audrey says “Connected.”
  4. Turn your headphones off